
Mission of Grafixoft Ltd.

The constant process of acquiring new knowledge in the area of information technology and their utilization in software products lies in the heart of the Grafixoft Ltd. company business. We call this process transfer of hi-technology solutions towards the users of our software products.

The specialization of our company is based on our strategic knowledge which we enrich and perfect in every following project. This gives us a chance to minimize expenses for acquiring know-how in the production process itself and at the same time to gain sustainable profit in time by successfully selling our products and services.

Knowledge lies in the people and that is why Grafixoft Ltd. provides opportunities for improved qualification in addition to a working environment that facilitates professional development and creativity of the staff.

Grafixoft Ltd major activity is production of custom software. We also provide a wide range of quality outsourcing services – research, analysis, programming, (re)integration and maintenance of special software solutions designed to meet particular needs or adapted to address specific requirements of the customer.

The company also offers ready standard solutions and innovative products to meet varied market demand of predominantly business customers. We solve their problems by helping them to increase their efficiency and improve the management and technological capacity of their company. Along with software we also offer comprehensive packages for optimization of the production process as well as other solutions applicable in telecommunications.

We constantly improve our products and keep maximum quality thus adding value to our customers’ money. For better servicing of our clients we also offer support and maintenance like, for example, installation on-the-spot and training on our products. Following loyalty as our principle, we also provide long-term maintenance for any of our software products and upon request we develop additional functionalities to it during a long and mutually agreed warranty period or, when contracted, throughout the life of the system.

Grafixoft Ltd. is a Bulgarian company operating on the global market.


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